Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sleepy Moquegua

So, in Quechua, Moquegua means sleepy little place, or something like that. Turns out, thats not so inaccurate! This town in super quiet- not much to do besides work, eat, drink pisco sours, and sleep. Which is actually kind of nice because I´ve been fairly busy with bone stuff, so not too much time if there was more touristy stuff to do!

The market here is crazy-- tons of stalls with anything and everything you never knew you wanted or needed. We bought some shirts the other day, after much discussion of whether they were actually nice clothes or if we just had gotten ¨Peru eyes¨meaning that all overly gawdy, blinged out shirts look kinda nice and furry hoods are a must. Speaking of, I bought a sweatshirt with a furry hood. hahaha its soooo sick. so sick.

World Cup madness has hit Peru (and the world) hard, so most morning and afternoons I take a break to go watch whatever game is on with the janitors here. They carry a tv from the lab to the main lobby of the ever-so busy museum (not) every morning so that they can watch when not needed elsewhere. Its a lot of fun to watch with them bc they like to ¨call¨ goals before they happen, and they are right most of the time! And of course, the awesome announcers here who yell GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL for like 2 minutes after someone scores. its the best!

Headed back to Copacabana this Sunday, after a brief stay in Arequipa on Friday and Saturday. First real traveling alone experience here (beyond short cab rides or flights) so we shall see how it goes!!

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