Monday, June 13, 2011

In place of the Dark Lord, you will set up a Queen!

I totally meant to update this sooner but... I havent. And so much has happened since my last post!

Last Tuesday, we left La Paz for Copacabana, where the house and lab are and where most the summer will be spent. It was great to get here and see everyone from last year and the kids! They all remembered me except the youngest who wasn't too sure. But after all the toys I gave them, he's warmed up! :)

There have been alot of strikes in Bolivia recently so just getting around the country has been a bit of adventure. Driving to Copacabana we had to skirt a road block that was in protest of oil prices being really high. This involved traversing some semi-paved neighborhoods, fording a small stream, and driving up the side of a cliff! Well, Pablo drove and we all got out and hiked behind the car! Good thing Sergio owns a beast of a vehicle, like any good archaeologist! The blockade lasted a few days apparently and got bigger so we got past it at the right time. Another transportation strike begins today, possibly lasting all week depending on how it goes. Striking/blokading is pretty common here and relatively effective at getting the government's attention. Something to think about, United Statesiens!

I spent last week getting my lab set up and reviewing some of the bodies that my SAA presentation was on this year. Need to get more details and pictures so that I can write it up as an article! Lots of arthritis to be examined, on just about every bone of every person. Unfortunately , this means I think I'm getting arthritis from bending over to take pics and label things etc. Eeesh!

We went into La Paz again this weekend to buy wedding clothes for Agustina, a friend and sponsee of Sergio and Stasia who is getting married this Saturday here in Copacabana. The pollera (big traditional skirt) industry is crazy here and we went to several different malls full of different colors, fabrics, styles... The newest styles for the year will be announced next week-ish after a series of important dances happen in La Paz and El Alto next week. Exciting times in the life of a chollita!

Speaking of dances, we have several lined up for this summer. The first (besides the wedding of course) is a 3 day affair in El Alto, called The Morenada of Chacaltaya. Morenada is a classic bolivian dance and Chacaltaya is a glacier near La Paz that is almost all melted thanks to global warming... And now I come to this posts title. You might be wondering why I reference queenliness and dominion and here's why: I've been nominated to be the Queen of the Morenada of Chacaltaya. Basically just because I'm the whitest person who will be dancing. But we went to this practice Saturday night (and by practice i mean drinking alot and occasionally dancing) and the women plotted a) to get me drunk and b) to make sure I was elected queen. The vote happens today or tomorrow so we shall see... If I do become queen, I'll march in front of all the dancers wearing a mini pollera (like SUPER mini, as in it comes with fancy panties because they will be showing) and knee high boots and will proabbly be interviewed for the national paper (possibly) and will definitley have way too many photos taken of me. eeeek. i'll keep you all updated... and if i do become queen, hah!! I will require deference from now on :)

Alright I think thats all I got for now... Hope you readers are all doing well!!


  1. I am going to laugh at you SO hard. Just warning you. Also, I refuse to pay you deference. NEVER! Mainly because if I was there, I would be queen, as I am far paler than you are.

  2. ima have to back laura here--particularly because of her blond and curly hair. although i feel like freckles might give me a leg up...? i demand pictures!

  3. Emilie and I will be joint-queens, and you can be our slavey girl.
